Valise Gallery,Vashon Island WA

Homage to Lillian & Frank Gilbreth
Fluorescent materials, steel, motors, autotransformers, theatrical filters. Variable dimensions. Valise Gallery, Vashon Island WA 2012,
These kinetic sculptures engage the air and our persistence of vision with tracings of light generated by multi-color fluorescent materials. Depending on speed and material length, the sculptures can create various “resonance patterns” producing different “standing wave” shapes. Working in 1914, Lillian & Frank Gilbreth, were pioneers of light painting in the interest of studying “work simplification” for efficiency of parts assembly. Their early capturing of the form of moving light for their research inspired these sculptures that seek to give luminosity and sculptural form to air.
Homage to Heliopolis:
In ancient Egypt the city of Heliopolis (in Greek, or “iwnw” in Egyptian) was a famed center of healing. They created the first solariums that filtered light into the rooms through glass and colored silks, infusing the rooms with colored light. This early “chromotherapy” was used to treat a variety of ailments and spiritual conditions. This updated project utilizing theatrical filters on the windows infuses the gallery with saturated indigo and creates a backdrop of color for the other projects while referencing this ancient temple and the healing practices that took place there. These theatrical filters change the frequency of daylight in order to mimic UV “blacklight” thereby activating the florescent materials in the gallery. Notice after being in the gallery for a while that upon leaving, the brain tricks the eye in an effect called “retinal fatigue” changing the color balance in your brain. As you exit, it will briefly give the outdoor light a decidedly golden color (the opposite of the blue).
Special Thanks to: Artist Trust, Paul Strong, Steve Monsey, Julia Reeve and the members of Valise Gallery