Huizenga Plaza, Ft Lauderdale, FL

Emerald Laser Lawn
Lasers, aluminum, computer control system, sensors; ©2007

Lasers moving through the grass allow us to experience in a new way something that is ubiquitous in the American Landscape- Lawn. Turf or sod is the largest irrigated crop in the United States.. It is everywhere. Illuminating the lawn with coherent radiation, allows us to re-see with new eyes what is normal and all around us. Moving light simulates (and stimulates) the growth of the lawn, the flooding of the fields, the sparkle of the dew on the grass. The kinetic patterns on the lawn animate the grass for people to explore and play with the light.

2 kids playing in Emerald Laser Lawn. photo credit: Bill Sanders

(photo: the sculpture on a foggy evening). Scanning laser patterns are projected onto the park lawn at a very low angle creating dynamic undulating surfaces with fiber optic and green fire effects. Hidden sensors randomly trigger different sequences and patterns lasting 5-7 minutes. The 3 emerald green lasers and sensors are permanently mounted under a standard park bench.

Special Thanks to Nth Degree Creative for the Laser Fabrication. photo credit Bill Sanders